Red Ribbon Awareness Campaign

Date: 6 October 2018
Time: 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Venue: Wawasan Open University
Participants at the Red Ribbon Awareness Campaign recently agreed that HIV is not a topic that attracts interest because the public do not think it affects them and those who get HIV are drug addicts or promiscuous. In partnership with Wawasan Open University and Youth with a Mission Penang (YWAM Penang), the Campaign was conducted through a public seminar at the university on 6th October 2018 (Saturday).

We thank the Project Manager and student Mr Arvin and the project group consisting of seven students for organising this Campaign to promote HIV awareness, to debunk misconceptions and to introduce new information about HIV prevention and treatment to the public. We are also grateful of YWAM Penang efforts in recruiting attendees and uploading HIV awareness articles on their website, and Wawasan Open University for providing the location and facilities for the Campaign. Of course, we could not have a fruitfully run Campaign without the support of the volunteers, staff and the audience.

We sincerely hope that the audience would be more compassionate to HIV-positive persons and be aware that newer HIV treatment and prevention methods are now available for the public.

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